TFD: Pros And Cons Of Using Enduring Legacy

The Enduring Legacy weapon in The First Descendant has distinct advantages and disadvantages that players should consider when deciding whether to use it. If you don’t have Enduring Legacy yet, use Boost Enduring Legacy TFD at U4GM, where the price is cheap and the delivery is fast. Use coupon code “allen” to get 5% off at U4GM. Here’s a breakdown of the main pros and cons:
Pros of Using Enduring Legacy
1. High Critical Damage:
· The Enduring Legacy features a significant critical damage multiplier (2.3x), making it one of the best choices for crit-focused builds. This allows players to deal substantial damage, especially when combined with high crit chance mods. Use Boost Void Intercept TFD to easily defeat all bosses from U4GM, it is done quickly.
2. Fire Resistance Reduction:
· Its unique ability, Quenching, reduces the fire resistance of enemies, increasing the damage they take from fire attacks. This is particularly beneficial for fire-based characters like Blair, enhancing overall team damage output in boss fights.
3. Versatile Elemental Synergy:
· The weapon is effective across various elemental builds, not just fire. It enhances the trigger rate for multiple elemental status effects, making it adaptable for different playstyles and team compositions.
4. Large Magazine and Fast Fire Rate:
· The Enduring Legacy has a large magazine capacity and a fast fire rate, allowing for sustained damage output during prolonged engagements with enemies.
5. Long-Term Investment Potential:
· With its ability to scale well with investments in crit chance and damage, the Enduring Legacy has a higher potential ceiling compared to other weapons, making it a solid long-term choice for players looking to maximize their damage output over time.

Cons of Using Enduring Legacy
1. Higher Skill Requirement:
· To maximize the weapon’s potential, players may need to invest more time and resources into building around crits and fire damage, which might not be as straightforward as using simpler weapons.
2. Competition with Other Weapons:
· While the Enduring Legacy is powerful, other weapons like the Tamer can outperform it in certain scenarios, particularly at lower investment levels. The Tamer offers higher raw DPS in early game content, making it a viable alternative for players who prefer a more straightforward approach.
3. Resource Intensive:
· Upgrading the Enduring Legacy requires farming specific materials and components, which may be time-consuming for players who want to optimize their build quickly.
4. Situational Effectiveness:
· While the weapon excels in fire damage, its effectiveness can be limited against enemies with high fire resistance or in scenarios where elemental damage types are less effective. Players may need to adapt their strategies accordingly.

The Enduring Legacy is a powerful weapon with significant advantages, particularly for crit-focused and fire-based builds. However, its effectiveness can vary based on player investment and the specific context of encounters. Weighing these pros and cons will help players determine if the Enduring Legacy aligns with their gameplay style and objectives.